
Forensic analysis in gearbox incidents involves careful examination and understanding of the failure mode. Our specialized team focuses on dissecting gearbox failures or malfunctions to find out the root cause.

Our method includes a detailed analysis of the components failure, which involves visiting the site, conducting a thorough root cause analysis, and examining the affected parts and lubricants closely. When needed, we also perform calculations and simulations to better understand why the failure happened, with our state-of-the-art software KISSsoft and Recurdyn.

Here’s what we do in our forensic analysis of gearboxes:

  • Visit the Site: We start by observing and recording the damage directly where it occurred.
  • Root Cause Analysis: We methodically investigate to pinpoint the exact reasons for the failure.
  • Examine Components and Oils: We use specialized tools to analyze the damaged parts and the oils used in the gearbox.
  • Perform Calculations/Simulations: If necessary, we run simulations or calculations to get deeper insights.
  • Analyze Test Results: We look over all the gathered information to identify the causes of the damage.
  • Recommend Fixes and Prevention: We suggest ways to fix the issues and prevent them from happening again.
  • Report Findings: Finally, we compile all our findings into a detailed report.

Our goal in forensic gearbox analysis is not just to figure out what went wrong, but also to help avoid similar problems in the future. This thorough approach ensures that our examination of gearbox issues is comprehensive and well-founded.